At the moment we are
currently just running tests so there are no
gamez. However there will be...
We are thinking of running
a system aswell as being able to download gamez
but being able to actually buy cd's with a
compilation of gamez on. This is designed to help
people who either can't be bothered to download
from the internet twenty four seven to be
disappointed or people who know they want a game,
can't afford to buy it at normal rrp, and can't
download because it takes an hour per segment. If
you think this is a good idea would you please
check the button below marked good idea, if you
don't click the "it stinks" button and
then press submit; its not exactly time consuming
and gives us an idea to whether we should
implement this or not...
If an error message pops up, its just
informing you that your submission is not
encrypted and therefore you might not want to
carry on. Don't worry we don't spam mail and you
wont get anything but a thankyou back...
secret agent(only for a day or
Brand neu
Please post your games
requests here>>requests<<
Get mocka loads of gamez at
The Lost Warehouse